Uninsured & Underinsured Insurance Coverage in Indiana

Having an automobile accident in Indiana can become a significant financial burden for an injured person. This burden can be compounded when the at-fault party does not have insurance or does not have an insurance policy sufficient to cover damages. Under Indiana law all drivers are required to have what is known as 25/50/10 coverage, meaning a minimum coverage of $25,000 for each person for bodily injury, minimum liability limit of $50,000 for each accident, and a minimum of $10,000 in coverage for property damage. However, despite these laws, there are still cars on the road who are either uninsured or under insured. Therefore, in order to promote opportunity for innocent individuals to recover for damages in the event of an accident with another driver who is not properly insured, Indiana requires that auto insurance providers to provide their customers uninsured and under insured motorist coverage, for either a single premium or for separate premiums, in limits ...